New alliance between Bird and ALTO to reduce scooter theft
18 Octubre, 2019

Bird, a multinational company that offers shared mobility in La Reina, Las Condes and Vitacura, has initiated a strategic alliance with ALTO to avoid the loss of its vehicles due to bad practices and crimes that could occur. In this sense, ALTO, a technology company that integrates, analyzes and activates the information to generate operational […]

Bird, a multinational company that offers shared mobility in La Reina, Las Condes and Vitacura, has initiated a strategic alliance with ALTO to avoid the loss of its vehicles due to bad practices and crimes that could occur.

In this sense, ALTO, a technology company that integrates, analyzes and activates the information to generate operational efficiency in companies, will manage the recoveries of scooters that are far from the communes outside the coverage of the Bird service and will generate legal actions against those who are responsible.

From Bird, they believe that 24/7 availability of this means of transport is key for users. Agustín Amoretti, General Manager of Bird in Chile, points out that “scooters have become a sustainable mobilization alternative and, both theft and leaving them outside the coverage sectors, generates significant damage. Working with ALTO will allow us to improve the service we deliver, reducing these negative factors. ”

On the other hand, Juan Cristóbal Palacios, ALTO Regional Manager emphasizes that “the alliance between ALTO and BIRD includes the integration of information from the scooters’ GPS to generate efficient recovery actions, which may even constitute criminal actions against those who steal these vehicles. ”

Bird was born in 2017 in Santa Monica, California (United States) and is the pioneer of shared electric vehicles. Since this year it has started operating in Chile, with a presence in La Reina, Las Condes and Vitacura.



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